Happy, Happy birthday Rachel!
We all love you very much and are so happy your our sister!
We all love your adventures ways! taking us for hikes, camping in the wood's (and as we do telling stories that make us shiver and snuggle up tight in our sleeping bag's hoping that the little noise we just heard wasn't a wolf trying to pounce down upon us and gobble us up.)
or the Wonderful games you make up, or the little op book's that you create for us , and the wonderful example that you are of a big sister.
All in all, we love you and are very happy to be your sibling's! we love you Teach!!
happy, Happy birthday to my very favorite big sister!
you are a great example for all of us and we love you so very much!
your just littler sister.
Happy Belated birthday, Rachel!
We count it a joy to know you!
Love you,
Waltman Family
Thank you my dear sisters! I love you all and am SO glad to be your big sister!
God has really blessed me greatly when I begged him for a sister so many years ago.
Who would have known I'd have five of them!
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