Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy birthday to our biggest brother!

Guess What!?! our biggest brother turned 28!!!

Famous Amos, our loving, caring, wonderful big brother is always the one to have around when we got bored,

there are countless times that he has led us into all kinds of adventures, like filling up a pop can full of gas and fastening it tightly to the back of our wooden contraption that we called a airplane then putting the two littlest siblings on to pilot He was about to light the wick when mom caught them and made them stop. (thank God for Mothers!)

then there was the great "bee wars" ( guess who won!) or the great games invented like bop em on the bean with a rubber tangerine, (the objects used in this game were not really rubber, but a harder plastic, so it had the potential of being painful.) or the iky smell of fat burning, (this was much more fun than the last one, we played it quite often. I don't know why it had to have a name like that though!) and how could we ever forget Amos' army? or the traps in the sandbox?

the bible plays he directed us to do bring back the most hilarious memories. I didn't really like the part of acting the pig though. and the cardboard "gardens really didn't taste good. and you know when we were suppose to be rocks? well, I never could hold as still as a stone, even if it was only for a few minutes.

with his fun loving attitude, and all the adventures we shared we love our big brother very much and thank God for him.

We love you Fame!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hi to all,

sorry we haven't posted in so long. our computer crashed and it has taken sooo long to fix it. it is all back together now and working, (most of the time!)
as for pictures...well our now our camera is experiencing difficulty's. so until we operate on it to get the delete butten working again, we'll just have to tell you what's up.

Most of us have kept busy (very busy!) planting our garden. it's so funny to see different personality's as we work, some have a "lets work hard and get this done quick" attitude. (unless they think the job is to big or they just don't feel like working.) and the others who can slip into their own world rather quickly. goes something like this.

I see them working. good, lets keep it up.

the next glance in that direction shows you they are occupied as they work with a self told story. that's OK, I think. as long as they don't too caught up in it.

the next time however, I look and their they sit eyes wide staring off in space as the story reaches the climax.
then comes the reminder (hopefully gentle) which shakes them back to earth, to the garden, to the rows of beans behind and in front. O yes, we need to keep planting beans, even if digger digwiller is almost drowning in his well. (their new made up story!)

as of right now we have everything in except the corn and peppers. the peppers just because we didn't get around to it yet. and the corn, because of two legged chicken monsters. OK they are just regular chickens, but they are so nasty! they'll walk right down the nicely planted rows eating corn. since we didn't want to spend a good half of the day catching them, we waited till tonight and locked them up. tomorrow we should be able to plant without the fear of our work being undone.

I know this is not very exciting, just the joys and sorrows of everyday life.

Thank You Lord, for days spent working and learning together.
I am amazed at the way you make beautiful wonderful plants grow out of little bitty seeds. your ways truly are past finding out. I love you Lord!