Thank you mommy for being our Wonderful Mom.
We love you Lots Mommy!
A very happy birthday to a very special sister!Happy, Happy Birthday Amy!!!
Thank you for being such a Great sister! thank you for your wonderful
sense of creativitey, and the great love you have for your Famliy!
your love for scrapbooking, quilting, cooking, baking, mothering (and lots more!)
has encourged us to be more useful and creative.
you are a wonderful exemple to all of us, and are a real blessing!
We Love you Amy!!! thanks for being such a big part of our Famliy!!
A day at the air show
We were able to spend most of saterday at the Manitowoc air show. it's smaller than the EAA, but the airshow itself is still very impressive. I think this F16 is one of our favorite warbirds!
It was a wonderfull time being together as a family and just having fun!I think it looks very nice, but maybe a few sizes to large!