making the cake!! this cake is a very special cake for some very special people! we love you Jedidiah and Rachel!! the top of the cake.....................
........................... and the bottem!!
the side cake's with there maker's!!
Jedidiah and Rachel and our neighbor who made the cake, thanks Grammy!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
A busy week.
here's some picture's from our busy week!
Eddie with Lot's of yummy cookies she baked for our neighborhood christmas party.
Naomi and Caleb made 8Olb summer sausages this week. turned out pretty good for the first try...looks great guy's!
besides all the cooking, baking and the Christmas party, Caleb and Naomi took the last big exams for the EMT course...still waiting for the results. Can't wait till we find out if there's 3 EMT-B's in our family!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Rachel's shower!! as you can tell we had a shower it was Lots of fun! thanks to all that helped in some way during the party or gave gifts.
Big guy Little guy!
Look mommy a Cat!!
Just Sister's
The dress up the bride game!
Funny freinds!
Monday, December 04, 2006
The sands of Time are sinking
I was watching the clock for a few moments today, I realized that every second that passed was one that I would never get back. do I spend every one of them according to the Masters plan? working as He would have me, planting seeds, striving to lead the lost to My Savior? The sands of time are sinking, which ones will matter in eternity?