Sunday, April 29, 2007

To raise majestic mountion's, to cause the sea to roar,
to brush a crimson setting sun......

..... to make the eagle soar, To bring the new Born's
cry of life, the hope of every spring. These treasures are the pleasures of the king.
to see his people flourish to live in light of day,

To watch his children grow and know the wonder of his way's.
to feel the joy of ransom heart in all his mercy true,
These treasures are the pleasure's of the king!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Happy 25th Birthday to our dear, dear Sister!

Happy, Happy birthday Rachel!
We all love you very much and are so happy your our sister!

We all love your adventures ways! taking us for hikes, camping in the wood's (and as we do telling stories that make us shiver and snuggle up tight in our sleeping bag's hoping that the little noise we just heard wasn't a wolf trying to pounce down upon us and gobble us up.)

or the Wonderful games you make up, or the little op book's that you create for us , and the wonderful example that you are of a big sister.
All in all, we love you and are very happy to be your sibling's! we love you Teach!!

It's Spring!

Now It 's really begaining to look like spring!
the flower's are opening and the wood's ring with the sweet sound of bird's

the wood's are so quiet and peaceful.

God made such wonderful little creatures!
we tryed to get a good shot of this woodpecker but it hopped
around to much.

The Wood's are so pretty this time of year!
most of the Flower's are not open but, these look like they will be very soon!
Ezra and Debbie go over the creek.
watch your step!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Spring or Winter? And I thought Winter was over! oh well, lets just hope
all my plants are ok with all the snow.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"God has strategically placed you near some people only you can reach."
G. Wood

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Birthday!


always helpful and polite,

we love how you take care of Rachel

We love how you are a peacemaker

We love how you play with us

We love to see you listening to the Lord

We love your extreme sometimes painful honesty

An honoring and submissive spirit to authority

understanding the helpfulness concept.

and it a good thing you are, because otherwise you would'nt have gotten our Rachel!
We all love you Jedidiah and we're so glad your part of our family now!